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The story of salt, more than just saltiness

The story of salt, more than just saltiness Of course, salt tastes salty. But besides being rich in minerals or sodium that are essential for the body, salt also has many other things that we should fully understand because it is linked to serious diseases

5 Food Sources of Vitamin B12 Vegan Treasure

5 Food Sources of Vitamin B12 Vegan Treasure. Cobalamin, also known as ‘vitamin B12’, is one of the water-soluble vitamins. That are important for the body. It helps in the formation of myelin sheaths. Which are responsible for the transmission of electrical impulses in the nervous

The benefits and risks of running daily

The benefits and risks of running daily Research has found that running five to 10 minutes a day may reduce your chances of dying from heart disease, heart attacks and other diseases. But it found that the benefits weren’t greater when you ran for more

Sergi requested a two-year contract from Barca.

Azulgrana midfielder Sergi Roberto is expecting a two-year contract from the club after Barcelona offered him just one year. Mundo Deportivo It was reported on Monday that. Barcelona have offered Sergi Roberto a one-year contract. But the 32-year-old midfielder is still expecting a two-year deal